Caution – Do not read this article if you are allergic to hard work. “I have been reading several of your articles with interest. Do you have any suggestions about finding the right supplier/installer to complete my job? Thank you, Mike – for a fan in N.C.” – Shirley. I said to myself; I’m going to blow Shirley’s mind. I immediately emailed her back. Shirley, thanks for the nice comment about the articles. I’d be glad to help you. If you’d like, call me on the cell below or give me your number, I’ll call you.
I’m not a celebrity and certainly don’t play one on TV. I’m a regular dude – ask my kids and wife, and they’ll tell you how wacky I am. But to Shirley – I am an internet celebrity. No, I won’t rival Kim Kardashian anytime soon (or should I say EVER). I do not need to disguise myself while grocery shopping with my daughter – but in my product niche, Shirley saw me as The Man. How cool (and profitable for my business) is that?

What’s neat is in today’s day and age of “self-publishing” (AKA blogging) and digital marketing, anyone can become an Internet celebrity in their niche IF (and I do mean if) they are willing to roll up their sleeves to make it happen. I will share seven sure-fire tips to ignite the Internet celebrity in you.
Contents Summary
Tip 1 – Have crazy discipline
If you want to spin out cool content people read, you must do it consistently, whether once a week or twice a month – whatever. You have to make a schedule and stick to it. Nobody will be watching over your shoulder to make sure you write. I write on 2 blogs each week. With my News from the Block remodeling blog, I write on Saturdays at 4:30 AM (and do the laundry at the same time – my wife Rose loves that). With my Professionally Organized home organization blog, I write on Tuesdays. It’s a disciplined process which sometimes sucks.
Tip 2 – Don’t pretend you’re Trump (name your favorite or unfavorite politician or celebrity here). Promote your stuff on social media.
When Trump tweets (whether you like him or not) people are watching and responding. We are just some dudes or dudesses (not really a word, but I’m going with it) writing about closet and garage organization systems – not the President of the United States. We must build our “celebrity” by growing our social media following and pushing articles out there.
After you write your blog post, spend the same amount of time promoting it on your customers’ top social networks. I found that Pinterest, Houzz, and LinkedIn worked well for us. Facebook isn’t doing it for us. I promote Twitter and get some traffic – but not many leads (but I love Twitter as a learning network anyway).
Tip 3 – Use some email “magnetism” to build a consistent “fan” base
You are I are in the project business. People “kick the tires” on doing a closet or garage organization project. However, sometimes life (or a car repair or educational expenses) gets in the way. We must consistently stay in front of our prospects so they remember to call us when ready. This is where email is HUGE!
When people click on an article – or one of your web pages – do you give them something for free so you can continue to influence (‘er, this would also be called market) them? This is where “lead magnets” (as the digital marketing people call them) come in – A.K.A. the pop-up window. You may not like pop-ups – but they will grow your email list. I use our email list to send out my articles every week. I may be the only guy in the remodeling or home organization design and installation business who emails his list every week with content. I aim for people to read my stuff through email, like what we teach, and remember to call us when they are ready to do the job.
Tip 4 – Become a reporter – tell OPS (Other Peoples’ Stories) and go “mini-viral
If you want to go “mini-viral” (I’m not sure going big-time viral is possible in our small niche), here’s an idea. After you’ve done a cool job, ask your customer if you can come out, take pictures, and write about their job.
When the post is done, please send it to them and ask your customers to share it with friends on social media. When they do this, they are “bragging” about your work – you’re not bragging about you! How cool is that? This is a way to go “mini-viral” and grow referrals.
Effective blogging is not like writing a term paper in college where you have to worry about the grammar Nazi picking apart your use of conjugations, adjectives, and verbs (I still don’t know squat about that stuff – and don’t care to either). Blogging is about educating your prospects and customers (first and foremost) –from your perspective.
People want to ignite (and need) to hear celebrities spin on your Internet business topic and life.
Spin into your article’s personal (but not too personal) stuff. Occasionally, I will go “reflective” (as I like to call it), sharing things in my life that aren’t related to my business. I have written two articles about my heart attack a year and a half ago. I have blogged about finding passion and inspiration in life. None of this has anything to do with home organization or remodeling. It builds a personal connection with my customers and prospects on my email list. They get to not only know my products – but also get to know me. People do business with those they know, trust, and connect with.
Tip 6 – Don’t expect super results if you don’t use superlatives and respect people’s time
Which article title would you be more likely to click on? Title A- Why you need to start blogging? Title B – 7 sure-fire tips to ignite your Internet celebrity – How to blog for business results. I hope you chose title B – or I look a little foolish here (ha! ha!).