What might the Duke brothers make of this? Interest in frozen-focused orange juice futures is ebbing away, and Florida is guilty. FCOJ is a small, niche market; in a few days, only some hundred lots are offered and bought on ICE Futures U.S. In New York. But it could claim an area inside the famous image that few other components of Wall Street can match due to the renowned pit-buying and selling scene near the end of the 1983 movie “Trading Places,” where the Dukes try to nook the marketplace.
The achievement of the Dukes’ fictitious scheme hinges on whether Florida’s orange crop has been damaged. In actual existence, it’s been hammered by way of years of the disease. In October through December, facts confirmed Hurricane Irma had inflicted even more woe, helping to pressure production to a seventy-three-year low.
Mirroring that fashion is the slide in open interest or the quantity of superb futures contracts. That’s because fewer humans need to use futures to hedge the Sunshine State’s shrinking harvest, said Russ Pierson, a booking at Basic Commodities in Winter Park, Florida.
Civilization and culture are two constellations that lie in the same continuum. Each influence is, in turn, influenced by the other. Civilization is an advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in human society, marked by progress in the arts and sciences, the extensive use of record-keeping, including writing, and the appearance of complex political and social institutions. This is a state of affairs in a society at a particular time frame. The definition above suggests the advanced state of affairs… in common parlance… but civilization may be traditional or not refined.
People say Indus Valley civilizations or Egyptian civilizations are primitive. On the other hand, culture means thinking, acting, and behaving that people have internalized in them and which are transformed into reality through their societal actions. For example, respecting the elders or treating guests as God, as in “Atithi Devo Bhava,” are examples of particular cultural traits. Before proceeding further, one must understand the various constituents of the culture explorer Hernando’s crossword clue.
Two things cannot be neglected when one studies culture: cultural traits and cultural complexes. Cultural traits are individual acts that defy any scientific reason but are followed because they are rooted in tradition. Examples of cultural traits are folding hands in front of a deity or touching the feet of elders. The interrelated cultural traits form a cultural complex.
For example, while performing a “pooja,” one lights an “aggravate,” chants some hymns or devotional songs, offers “Prasad” to the lord, etc. All these activities constitute the cultural complex. The interplay and interaction of the different cultural complexes form the substratum of culture. With so many epistemological differences between culture and civilization, one must see what separates them. Culture refers to those intrinsic and intangible elements that engulf humans, whereas society includes all the physical objects that exemplify some objective realities.
Civilization is the human creativity, intellect, and volition translated into reality, whereas culture is the morality and intelligence that remain the undercurrent of human thought. Civilization progresses through knowledge and technology, whereas culture thrives in the human mind and proceeds through tradition. But when one says they lie in the same continuum, culture determines civilization. For example, in a society where the dominant culture is heroism and hero-worships, like the Sioux Indians, their substrate of civilization is based on heroism and physical prowess.
Their chief industry is making weapons for hunting and defending their clan members. And their structure of authority and leadership also hovers around this principle only. But at the same time, civilization also influences culture in many ways. The technical developments and objective rationality in knowledge inquire into the truth among the traditional customs. Reinterpretation of cultural complexes and superstitions from a scientific perspective allows for a reinterpretation of culture. So, culture and civilization influence each other. The present write-up requires an analysis of the advancement of society that makes way for a decline of culture.
As described earlier, culture is morality, and civilization is the reality. Culture resides in ideas, and civilization spurns out of ideas. So, it is quite easy to see the pre-occurrence of culture vis-à-vis civilization. But such a concomitance is not that easy as once civilization is formed, it tends to affect the ideas or the culture, which is the substrate of its self. The advancement of civilization affects culture in many ways. And the widespread notion is that the rise of civilization declines culture. But to analyze the statement, one needs to understand what the “word” decline means here.
The decline means the usual lessening of importance given to culture. But it also means that the earlier cultural hypotheses adopted without question all come under the hammer of reason. And all such preconditions about a culture rooted in irrationality are increasingly given up. For example, with the spread of awareness and knowledge among the masses, traditions like “sati,” etc., are given up. But this cannot be called a decline of culture because it is a constructive effort to eradicate social evil from society.
So when one tries to establish a concomitance between civilization and the decline of culture, one needs to have a thin-line approach, separating the constructive and beneficial changes in culture and the reduction of society. One needs to see what is implied by the advancement of civilization.
“advancement of culture” refers to a dynamic process: a change. Why on earth is there a change in civilization? There is a change from one state of affairs to the other when 1. The preceding state of matter has some inherent contradictions, or 2. When there is a better or new way of doing things that is superior to those in the preceding state of affair, both of these above reasons refer to two different epistemological paradigms, but what connects them both is the thread of rationality or objectivity, which in common parlance called as scientific understanding.