There are so many skin products on the market that choosing the right one is difficult. So, with all the new ingredients and trendy combinations hitting shelves, how do you know which one to buy? It’s tough, but don’t worry. We’ve compiled the top five tips your dermatologist knows and wishes you did, too.
1. Sunscreen
It’s the biggest favor you can do for your skin. Slather yourself in sunscreen before starting your makeup application (or choose a foundation that offers SPF protection). It’s the most effective way to protect your skin from the elements and prevent premature aging. Do not underestimate the effectiveness of SPF. By the way, sunscreen isn’t just for summer – you should use it all year round. So, ensure you have a higher SPF for the summer months and choose a lower number to carry you through winter.
2. Exfoliation
It’s a must, but there is such a thing as too much exfoliation. The magic number is twice a week for most skin types. You can create your very own scrub using sugar and olive oil. If you go for one of the shelves, be sure it contains lactic acid; it’s the perfect ingredient for exfoliating.
3. Sleep
Yes, getting a good night’s sleep eliminates bags under your eyes, prevents dry skin, and is the tonic your skin desperately needs. Remember, a lack of sleep fuels stress levels, harming your skin. So, start following a bedtime routine and ensure you get seven hours of sleep a night. Start by eliminating caffeine after 2 p.m. and go to bed (and get up) at the same time seven days a week.
4. Diet
It shouldn’t surprise you that eating affects your skin (hair and nails). So, what type of foods are you putting in your body? It might be time to make some changes, particularly if you’re a major fan of trans fats and sugary, processed goods. Watch your dairy, too; it is guilty of boosting oil production, leading to acne problems.
5. Moisturize
We went and saved the best for last. Plenty of options are on the market, and many price ranges are on offer, too. When making monetary savings, your moisturizer is not where you should be doing it. Invest in a quality product that works. One of the best moisturizers to use is virgin coconut oil. Moisturizer is about moisturizing, but it’s all about protection. It provides a layer of protection from the elements, so coconut oil is a great choice.
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