Friday, July 26, 2024

Tips for empty nesters

Here are 3 of the week’s top pieces of financial recommendation, accumulated from across the internet: Tips for empty nesters

What IS assertive communication?

Assertive communication can express positive and negative ideas and feelings openly, honestly, and directly. It recognizes our rights while still respecting the rights of others. It allows us to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions without judging or blaming others. And it will enable us to constructively confront and find a mutually satisfying solution where conflict exists.


So why use assertive communication?

We all use assertive behavior at times… quite often, when we feel vulnerable or unsure of ourselves, we may resort to submissive, manipulative, or aggressive behavior. Yet, being trained in assertive communication increases the appropriate use of this sort of behavior. It enables us to swap old behavior patterns for a more positive approach to life. I’ve found that changing my response to others (be they work colleagues, clients, or even my own family) can be exciting. The Advantages of Assertive communication baby boomers’ definition

There are many advantages of assertive communication, most notably these:

  • It helps us feel good about ourselves and others
  • It leads to the development of mutual respect with others
  • It increases our self-esteem
  • It helps us achieve our goals
  • It minimizes hurting and alienating other people
  • It reduces anxiety
  • It protects us from being taken advantage of by others
  • It enables us to make decisions and free choices in life
  • It allows us to express, both verbally and non-verbally, a wide range of feelings and thoughts, both positive and negative

There are, of course, disadvantages… empty nesters mean nester relationship

Disadvantages of assertive communication: Others may not approve of this communication style or your views. Also, having a healthy regard for another person’s rights means you won’t always get what YOU want. You may also find out that you were wrong about your viewpoint. But most importantly, as mentioned earlier, it involves the risk that others may not understand and, therefore, not accept this communication style.

What assertive communication is not? Family life cycle marketing definition

Assertive communication is NOT a lifestyle! It’s NOT a guarantee that you will get what you want. It’s NOT an acceptable communication style with everyone, but at least it’s NOT aggressive. But it IS about choice.

Four behavioral choices

As I see it, there are four choices you can make about which communication style you can employ. These types are: There are six main characteristics of assertive communication. These are:

  • eye contact: demonstrates interest, shows sincerity
  • body posture: congruent body language will improve the significance of the message
  • gestures: appropriate gestures help to add emphasis
  • voice: a level, well-modulated tone is more convincing and acceptable and is not intimidating
  • timing: use your judgment to maximize receptivity and impact
  • content: how, where, and when you choose to comment is probably more important than WHAT you say

The importance Tips of “I” statements nesters empty Part of being assertive involves appropriately expressing your needs and feelings. You can accomplish this by using “I” statements. These indicate ownership, do not attribute blame, focus on behavior, identifyhe the effect of conduct, are direct and honest, and contribute to the growth of your relationship. wStrong “I” statements have three specific elements:


  • Behavior
  • Feeling
  • Tangible effect (consequence to you)

3. Fogging: this technique allows you to receive criticism comfortably, without getting anxious or defensive, and without rewarding manipulative criticism. To do this, you need to acknowledge the complaint and agree that there may be some truth to what they say, but remain the judge of your choice of action. An example of this could be, “I agree that there are probably times when I don’t give you answers to your questions.

4. Negative inquiry: this technique seeks out criticism about yourself in close relationships by promoting honest, negative feelings to improve communication. To use it effectively, you need to listen to critical comments, clarify your understanding of those criticisms, use the information if it will be helpful, or ignore the data if it is manipulative. An example of this technique would be, “So you think/believe that I am not interested?”

5. Negative assertion: this technique lets you look more comfortably at negatives in your behavior or personality without feeling defensive or anxious, reducing your critics’ hostility. You should accept your errors or faults but not apologize. Instead, tentatively and sympathetically agree with the hostile criticism of your negative qualities. An example would be, “Yes, you’re right. I don’t always listen closely to what you have to say.

With your children out of the house, “now could be the time to ramp up your retirement financial savings surely,” stated Trent Hamm at US News. One of the first economic actions new empty nesters should take is to sit down with a retirement calculator. Figure out how much you want to boost your financial savings to hit your goals, “remembering your capability to save is higher than it has been in decades.” If this is the case because you are assisting your grown-up children, it’s time to start weaning them off any “monetary outpatient care” they have been receiving. “Start lowering the handouts now and set a cut-off date for a clean break.” Your youngsters need to master proper independence, and you need to make certain you can pay to transport on for your next stage of life as nicely.

IRA to HSA rollovers

Transferring money from an IRA to a healthy financial savings account may be a good manner to accumulate your emergency medical savings “in case you do not have other cash to make contributions,” said Kimberly Lankford at Kiplinger. People who qualify to make HSA contributions — that is, they presently have an HSA-eligible medical health insurance coverage — could make a one-time rollover from an IRA, with that money counting towards their annual contribution restriction. “By doing a rollover, you are changing tax-deferred bucks into tax-unfastened cash in case you use the withdrawals from the HSA for clinical fees.

However, it is better to contribute new cash for your HSA when you have the method. “In that way, you could preserve extra cash growing tax-deferred within the IRA and get a tax deduction for the new HSA contribution. Claiming a university tax credit The American Opportunity Tax Credit is a massive help to families paying college tuition, “but the regulations for claiming it are complex,” stated Ann Carrns at The New York Times. Families can lessen their annual tax payments by using as much as $2,500 per scholar at some point in the first four years of college if they meet certain profit requirements and the student is enrolled as a minimum 1/2-time.

To receive the full credit, a student should have at least $four 000 of eligible charges, including lessons, costs, and books. Families who’ve also stored money for university in a 529 account “need to plan cautiously” because that identical charges cannot be used to justify claiming a credit score and withdrawals from their tax-advantaged account. Taxpayers need to save receipts and different information “in case additionally the IRS asks for documentation.


Jenna D. Norton
Jenna D. Norton
Creator. Amateur thinker. Hipster-friendly reader. Award-winning internet fanatic. Zombie practitioner. Web ninja. Coffee aficionado. Spent childhood investing in frisbees for the government. Gifted in exporting race cars in Orlando, FL. Had a brief career short selling psoriasis in Ohio. Earned praise for getting my feet wet with human growth hormone in Minneapolis, MN. Spent several years creating marketing channels for banjos for farmers. Spent 2002-2010 merchandising karma for no pay.

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